The Artful Yoga Gallery situated at 1 Vale Street St Kilda was where the heart beat of the St Kilda art world gathered in majestic ceremony to honour their love of animals, art and each other.
An eclectic mix of local artists manifesting and exhibiting original works forged in paint on canvas, ceramics, metals, live performance, film and spoken word.
Inspired Artists’ called to freely give their talent, time and life-force to speak on behalf of our non human brethren. Bringing to life every creature to be found on Noah’s Arch.
The opening of this special charity event attracted a convergence of celebrated and stalwart writers, actors, producers, art dealers, politicians and devotees. Over 200 strong joining the fray in community and joyful expression.
Big thanks to the dedication of Roberto Chuter, who 3 years ago conceived of and followed through with the production of this special charity event. Inspiring support and commitment by all the contributing artists as well as his close collaborators in curator/ artist Anthony Breslin, Tamasin Ramsay, Richard Aspel and Frank Howson just to name a few. With special thanks to Neha Kumar creator of Artful Yoga Gallery for the generous use of her venue.
This is what is important in life. And when we are reminded. We all inherently know it.
“The mission of IN GOOD COMPANY is devoted to promoting excellence in the artistic portrayal of the creatures sharing our planet and to the education of the public through art and event exhibition.” Roberto Chuter
Exhibiting Artist included:
Mark Serin, Jason Marx, Tara Strong, Margaret Wong, Mark Swenson, Andrew Brown, Zev Howley, Frederique Fouche, Richard Aspel, Tamasin Ramsay, Frank Howson, Salvatori Lolicato, Marianne Salvatore, Brad Nelson, Zena Dubray, Amanda Bartholomew, Trisha Taylor and Victorian Dog Rescue.

In Good Company says it all.
by Kerrie Pacholli @ Open Media