The AGM for the St Kilda Arts Community Inc is being held on Tuesday 17th December at the Alex Theatre for members and associates.
After a re-structure of our events, the next Arts Alive event is planned for May 2020. This year, our media component has spent a great deal of time supporting other organisations.
St Kilda Arts Community has assisted several festivals, artists and events including a comedy show “Raiders of the Lost Laugh” hosted by Brian Nankervis at the Alex Theatre scheduled on the 29th February 2020.
Through our media partners, Open Media along with pro bono assistance from the Alex Theatre, we have helped promote Hola Melbourne by providing promotional videos, still photographs, studio and production facilities for the production of an animation promotion and media coverage of a South American book launch for 4Diverse.
Video promotions, still photographs and written media coverage were produced and donated (Open Media) for the following events and plays;

“BIG Sculpture” at VegOut during November.
BIG Sculpture Promotion
BIG Sculpture Open Day
“Beach Side Stories” a play at Gasworks was a collection of short plays, created by writers from Melbourne Writers’ Video Promotion

Peter Kalos’s production of “Fifty Words” with Melbourne Actors Lab at the Alex Theatre which was about the moments that pushed a marriage to the edge. Video Promotion

“Benjamin Mary” a play by Pasquale M Palmieri was an animated reading at the Alex Theatre. Publicity Article
“Normal Child” a disability slapstick by co-Artistic Directors David Woods and Jonathan Haynes. Video Promotion

The 2019 Comedy Festival, Book Launch at Eco Centre, SPAA Fund Raiser, Richard Morrison Art Auction at St Martins Place, Carlisle St Art Space – Vortex of Time, Rock Burlesque, Live Jazz Swing, Blues and Moonshine at the Post.
Comedy Festival Promotion
SPAA Fund Raiser
Richard Morrison Art Auction
Vortex of Time

We supported the short film “A Bizarre Condition” and supplied advertising for St Kilda Art Tours. Short Film
The St Kilda Arts Community would like to wish all its members the best Christmas and happy new year and lets make it a BIG ONE!
For more stories and what’s going on St Kilda Arts Community
Produced by Open Media images by Kerrie Pacholli